Misc Reports
Miscellaneous Reports
Zvika Ben-Haim
Ph.D. Thesis, Technion—Israel Insitute of Technology, November 2010.
Master's thesis, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, January 2006, revised May 2006.
For more information, see the Blind Minimax Estimation site.
Krishnan Eswaran, Shravya Shetty, Daniel Shing Shun Tse, Shahar Jamshy, Zvika Ben-Haim.
US Patent Application 2020/0019617 A1, January 2020.
Eran Ofek, Benedict A. Gomes, Tal Cohen, Anna Bendersky, Asaph Arnon, Nitsan Oz, Oren Naim, Amitabh K. Singhal, Zvika Ben-Haim, Ziv Bar-Yossef, Matan Kalman, and Gil Simha Briskin.
US Patent 9,607,087 B1, March 2017.
This is a computer program for automatic song identification. The user hums a few notes from a song; these are analyzed and searched for in a database. This was the graduation project of my bachelor's degree at the Technion, and was conducted under the supervision of Gal Ashour.
This is a review and simulation of a paper by S. Negadahripour concerning optical flow techniques for estimation of motion in video image sequences. The work was performed in a course on computer vision given by Prof. Yoav Schechner. The report and presentation are in Hebrew. You can also download the Matlab code used for the simulations.
This is a review and simulation of a paper by S. D. Servetto, K. Ramchandran and M. T. Orchard, concerning wavelet-based image compression techniques. The work was performed in a course on wavelet transforms given by Prof. Shalom Raz.
Short Summaries
A summary of some strange properties of quantum mechanics.
A summary of the properties of these probability distributions, which have some uses in statistics.
Zvika Ben-Haim and Tsvika Dvorkind.